Insulated Conductors Committee

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Fall 2006 PES-ICC Meeting

Pictures from Fall 2006 Courtesy of Joe Dudas

St. Petersburg, FL - October 29 - November 1, 2006 at the Tradewinds Island Grand Resort

An Invitation

ICC Members, Hope you all had a great summer. It's time to start preparing for our fall meeting which will be at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in St. Petersburg Beach.  Make your plans now and let's enjoy the Florida weather and each other's company as we learn and improve our industry.  Visit our web site frequently for all meeting news and updates. Looking forward to seeing everyone in October. Jim Fitzgerald

Meeting Agenda

Here is the current agenda for the meeting in Word and PDF.  This subject to change so please check back often.

(updated October 18, 2006)



Educational Program

The Subcommittees will sponsor many Technical Presentations on key topics in their fields of interest. These will be added as they are arranged.

Attention Presenters: Guidelines for Presentation Material Published in PES – ICC Minutes

The theme of the Fall 2006 Educational Program will be "Impact of Hurricanes on Electric Grid Infrastucture, System Recovery, Restoration and Preparedness"
(updated October 18, 2006)


The Fall 2006 Registration form is now available in MS-Word format. Please submit to Shantanu Nandi at the address shown on the form.(updated September 5, 2006)

Mini-Expo There are two vendors scheduled for this Fall's Mini-Expo.  Learn a little about them Here(updated October 18, 2006)
New Member Orientation  
Hotel Information

The meeting will be held at theTradewinds Island Grand Resort, 5600 Gulf Blvd, St Pete Beach FL 33706.  Reservations need to be made by October 4 to guarantee a room and can be made by calling; 1-800-808-9833 Identification “ICC Attendee”.  Please register early and save some money and time at the conference. Please plan on staying at the TradeWinds, so that we meet our room commitments and don't have to pay a penalty. Our formal contract runs from Friday Oct 27 to Thurs Nov 2.

(updated September 26, 2006)

Hospitality Suites If your company plans to have a hospitality suite in conjunction with the Fall 2006 meeting, be sure to see the Guideline page.
Spouse Activities

NEW 09/19/06

The ladies program consists of breakfasts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings and a luncheon and fashion show on Tuesday at 12:30 pm.
There is a new requirement to attend the breakfasts. You need to sign up for Activity 1 on the registration form. There is a nominal cost of $25.00 to attend the 3 breakfasts. The system is the same as at previous meetings where you can order from the menu.The ICC is instituting this requirement to help better plan and control the breakfast activity. Please sign up.
It's Back! Activity 2 will be "The Fashion Show on Wheels" back by popular demand. Denise will bring in racks of goodies for us to see and purchase. Jeans are here this time too! We will kick off this program at 12:30 pm with a nice luncheon, followed by fun fashions modeled for us by the beautiful gals of the ICC. The cost of the luncheon is only $35.00. Please sign up. You do not want to miss this one!
Please let Judy Bow know by e-mail ( of your plans to attend one or both activities. This will help with our planning. Also, please note that the ladies program is open to guests such as relatives, friends and others attending the ICC as guests of a registered ICC participant.
Tourist Information

Posted 03/15/06

The ICC is a frequent visitor to St. Petersburg, so many of you know your way around town.  For those who may have never joined us at this location, local information is provided by the cities of St. Petersburg and Clearwater.

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