Insulated Conductors Committee

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Fall 2002 - An Invitation from the Chairman

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The Fall 2002 Insulated Conductors Committee meeting will be held at the Don CeSar Hotel at St. Petersburg, FL, from October 27 - 30. The schedule and technical program are here on the website. There will be updates, so check back. The registration form is also available here. Please return it to Bill Taylor with a check payable to the ICC. You may also pre-register by returning the form by e-mail, fax or letter and then pay by cash or check at the meeting.

The rate at the Don CeSar is $152.00 including resort fee. To register, call toll free +1-800-282-1116 or direct +1-727-360-1881, fax +1-727-363-5034. Additional hotel information is located on the ICC website. To handle overflow at the hotel we have arrangements with the Tradewinds Island Grand Resort. To register, call toll free +1-800-808-9833, or direct +1-727-367-6461, fax +1-727-522-1214. The rate at the Trandewinds is $150.00/night including the resort fee. The cut-off date for these rates is September 23 (Don) or September 26, 2002 (Tradewinds). Please identify yourself as with the ICC when you make your reservations.

The ladies program will be a luncheon on Monday. Cost is $25.00 (be sure to mark it on the registration form). There will be table prizes, door prizes and other surprises. A gift exchange will add to the fun. Ladies, please bring a wrapped gift for exchange with an approximate value of $10.00. The luncheon will be the only planned activity so you can have time to enjoy the hotel, the area and the Florida sun. Of course there will be the usual ladies breakfast each morning.

Please join me and all your ICC friends and colleagues for a productive Fall meeting at the Don.

Best regards,

Kenneth E. Bow

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